September 29, 2005


it's raining in chicago and I'm feeling like I'm coming down sick, so today when the roommate started ordering Thai takeout, I said I wanted some tom yum -- spicy sour soup. But he said it was a total ripoff at the local joint, 6 bucks for a cup of soup, so i bagged it -- but the craving didn't go away. Happily, the resulting brainwave combined with two packets of the roommate's thai ramen (tom yum flavor!) to become some great comfort food.

I've said it before and i'll say it again: ANYTHING, particularly a soup, that involves both fish sauce and lime juice is by definition yummy.

Chicken broth and water, boiled with some dried shiitakes thrown in, ramen noodles added along with spice packets, half a can of leftover diced tomatoes, juice of half a lime, and scrambled egg dribbled in as egg-drop. Squeeze more lime in to serve. We ran out of cilantro or there'd be some of that in there too. Sour spicy hot broth goodness.

Posted by foodnerd at September 29, 2005 12:19 AM
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