June 04, 2006

couldn't have said it better

I was just thinking earlier today that there aren't very many food bloggers (at least, compared to the Bay Area, say) in Chicago, considering how good an eating city it is. And then I read this on Chicago Foodie, in a post entitled GQ: Chicago is the Best Restaurant City in America:

"The irony is that I've been saying Chicago is the best restaurant city all along for another reason. I can't think of another city that has such diversity and authenticity of ethnic restaurants. Almost more importantly, I can't think of any other city where there is nothing better to do than eat.

BAHAHAHAHAHA! That is AWESOME. And really, true -- I came here with two main activities in mind: to eat and to look at pretty buildings. (And because, as the post also notes, people here are less wrapped up in bullshit, and as a consequence are nicer and more down to earth.)

Posted by foodnerd at June 4, 2006 06:40 PM

Welcome to Chicago!

Posted by: Josh at June 9, 2006 05:25 PM

Thanks, Josh! :-) I enjoy your posts, keep up the good work!

Posted by: foodnerd at June 10, 2006 10:17 AM
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