February 14, 2010

We've moved!

Yo, check it: www.foodnerd.net is now live.

I'll continue to try and export any new comments I find here over to the new site, but you should definitely point your browsers and RSS feed readers over there.

Posted by tallasiandude at 10:05 AM | Comments (0)

February 02, 2010

mood cure

How much of mood can be attributed plain and simple to vitamin deficiency? I just had a weird and sudden attack of the Oh My God Everything Is Pointless and Can't I Just Go Watch TV blues.

Trying really hard not to eat my way out of it, I went and took a multivitamin and a fish oil capsule, and half an hour later I am feeling significantly better (though I still kind of want to curl up and watch a couple hours of Tony Bourdain). Last night I drank one of those energy/vitamin packets and had a similar rise in energy and willingness to deal with my fellow humans.

I always assume that because I eat a varied diet full of vegetables and proteins that I'm unlikely to be deficient in anything particular, but I am really starting to wonder now.

I never remember to take the damn vitamins though they are right out on the kitchen counter. Morning head is a problem for me. Maybe I should bring the bottles up and sit 'em on my desk near the computer, so when I get all mopey and unfocused I can immediately squash the problem with NUTRIENTS.

Posted by foodnerd at 06:22 PM | Comments (0)

February 01, 2010

lawdy, why am i so HUNGRY?

OK, granted, I did actually exercise for 45 minutes or so this morning, but why am I on constant hunger alert today? I ate granola and yogurt and black tea for breakfast right after the workout, then brown rice and smoked salmon and broccoli for lunch, plus some dark chocolate when I was still hungry afterward, and then some leftover chicken hash with turnips and sweet potatoes because I was hungry AGAIN two hours later, and now again two hours later I am STILL HUNGRY. I am drinking water, even. Healthy food, reasonable portions, lots of fiber and protein. WTF?

Sigh. I am going to go drink some more water.

Posted by foodnerd at 05:25 PM | Comments (0)